
School Governors

Tmcs email logoWe have an active and enthusiastic Governing Body that is responsible for the efficient and effective running of the School. Led by a Chair and Vice-Chair, Governors represent all the stakeholders of the school – teachers, parents, Diocese, and of course, the pupils themselves.

Initial contact with Governors can be made via email through the Clerk to the Governors:

List of Governors

Governor Category Governor Name
Foundation Governor, Chair Caroline Mushens
Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor Gillian Douglas
Foundation Governor Denis O’Donnell
Foundation Governor Liam McGivern
Foundation Governors Elizabeth Budiar
Foundation Governors Dalene Matthews
Foundation Governors Amanda Ikem
Headteacher Maryssa Dako
Staff Governor Rebecca Samura
LA Governor Paul Thomas
Parent Governors Fiona Grant
Clerk to the Governors Elaine Cooper

